Tuesday, March 1, 2011

DISCONTINUITY OF THE SPACE AND THE TIME ( discontinuous space time )

Normally we think that the time and the space are continuous physical magnitudes, without breaks in its measurement. Nevertheless, which next is exposed seems to indicate that the time and the space appear as discontinuous magnitudes, as quanta.The perception of the movement of a particle would be similar to the effect of the cinematograph, in whom a continuous movement is appraised where in fact only there are moved successive images slightly. The particles are only in certains possitions of the space, and in certains moments of the time, but not in others.  Would explain this the Principle of indetermination of Heisenberg?.

mail: adolfomoranortega@gmail.com
Read the complete paper:
https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0Bx_F2PuqpjjgZmNjNTkzMmQtMjkyMy00ZTgxLTkxZjQtN 5YTU4YmY5MTQ4&hl=en